Monday, June 29, 2015

British v. American journalism

From accents to fashion, we all know that there are multiple differences between Great Britain and the United States. However, most of us don't consider the difference that is on every street in London: the papers. In America I think most of the papers are regarded as trustworthy and objective, but in London it isn't uncommon to see opinion pieces on the front page or an open campaign for a candidate. 

Consider the last election here. The front page of one London newspaper featured an Obama-style, blue and red campaign poster with a candidate's face, with the caption, "In Cameron we trust," followed by an editorial about why citizens should vote for him. This simply wouldn't fly in America. Sometimes people in America get angry because one candidate's ad ran higher on the same page as the other. Could you imagine if the staff outright campaigned for a candidate?

Let's think about broadcasters really quick. When you turn on Fox News or MSNBC you can expect to see two different versions of the same story most of the time, right? Well in London that shouldn't happen. The broadcast stations are regulated and watched very closely. This means that the broadcasters are held accountable and are much more factual and careful with what they report, which is complete flip from what we have in America.

This is just from one day of lectures. I look forward to the next month of learning all about British journalism. Then I can work for the Guardian and never come home. Kidding. (: sort of. 

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