Wednesday, July 22, 2015

SLP and Schillings

Yesterday we took a trip to Oxford to visit the Oxford University Press. Today we visited the South London Press and Schillings Law firm. 

At South London Press we spoke with Hannah Walker, editor of 15 years. She said some things that really stood out to me as someone who works for a local newspaper back home. 

Walker said local papers are more trustworthy and place more emphasis on accuracy. That's because the reporters usually have a closer relationship with their readers because they reach a smaller community. 

They are in the process of redeveloping their website as they are catching up with the digital first journalism world. 

Walker said journalism is a great industry going through massive changes and that even as a small local paper they are still able to make a difference. 

Next we went to the law firm where we heard from a couple of lawyers specializing in privacy and reputation. The firm's client base is a mix of individuals and companies. 

They work only with claimants and not the press. They help with invasion of privacy, blackmail or reputation cases. 

Claimants have to prove publication, identification, defamation and harm. 
Companies must prove financial loss or potential financial loss. 

It was an interesting day in new areas of London. Always something new to see. (:

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